A few weeks ago I saw a “double-block-filler” with her hair a full six inches out of regulations (mass protruding beyond the head). It was the most blatant physical symbol of outright disrespect and defiance I've seen in over 30 in and around the military. And I wondered to myself how many hundreds, and perhaps thousands of more senior enlisted troops and officers have shrunk from their duty to correct her out of fear of being accused of “offending” her...?
I've seen many females who wear their hair well outside of the guidelines in AF regulations. But this was the most incredibly gross display of that kind I've ever seen. She must have been doing this for many months, if not years. And don't think for a second that there is an officer in the AF who doesn't know that wearing 9 inches of hair mass behind your head (triple the AF limit) is ridiculously out of regulations. And while this is the worst example I've ever seen, I've seen many women in an AF uniform who display complete disregard for AF dress/appearance standards.
My interpretation of word “leadership” tells me that by not enforcing regulations on EVERY member of the service, military leaders (both officer and enlisted) are not just being “lax” or “tolerant”...they're being disrespectful and defiant their own leadership chain, and to regulations.
It's painful to watch. But this PC stuff is a “cancer” for the military...and it's a growing trend.
Raven - much like the E-7s who show up on Monday, knowing it’s “blues day” (and regardless of what people - me included - think of that), in their ABUs and NOBODY, including officers, calls them on it. I do, and get the “a-hole colonel” look, which leads to further conversation, but generally doesn’t turn their attitudes around.
There’s a reason behind the dress and appearance regs. It’s not just so somebody with control issues can have something to gig people on. It’s a small reminder of the crucial concept of obedience to lawful orders, without which a military force is an undisciplined and ineffective mob.