Deprogram a leftist friend! Send them this.
Thanks for the post!
Those with leftist friends need to first deprogram themselves. |
Another good movie documenting the atrocities of the Fascists/Communists is the movie “Katyn”. I am sure most of you know that reference to Poland.
Excellent, excellent, article.
Thank you for posting.
“The devil always uses his power to seduce, not to force. . . . “
Obama’s gameplan.
Every communist and democrat uses this same “marketing plan” - someone else is the cause of your relative poverty, let me make it right by taking their money and giving it to you.
Once the state has the money, it has the power and, by then, it’s too late.
Ever hear of “separation of church and state”? The combination of capitalism, free markets, and property rights basically make up the “separation of property and state”.
If you don’t want the state to establish a religion, then you shouldn’t want it to tell establish what property you can have either.
Reminds me of Qusay Hussein who would invite school classes of 10-12 year old girls to tour his castle. He would pick a few that pleased his fancy and force them to stay, sending the teacher and the other girls away. He would rape them to his hearts content then send them away too, then invite another class of young girls to "tour his castle".
Thank you. Deprogramming is exactly what we need to be working on. This helps.
Good article, if only we hadn’t ignored lessons from the past.