As a social conservative, I wont vote for Obama or Romney in November. If Rick (or Newt) doesnt win the nomination, I will be looking at third party this year, and Santorum 2016 (or Pence 2016; or whatever good conservative runs 2016)."
I've been wanting to ask this, and waiting for such a straightforward genial and non-acerbic show of support for Santorum such as yours...what if, at the GOP convention, Santorum comes out and endorses Mittens again? Much in the way of what he told Laura Ingraham in 2008? Would that change your mind about November?
"Santorum told Ingraham that Romney is "a guy who has gone through that pressure cooker, who has developed a passion, who understands why he's a conservative and understands the issues, how they weave together."Santorum added that conservatives are "about traditional values and a traditional way of American life" and that Mitt Romney "understands that, it's not just in his head anymore, it's in his heart."
This year Santorum, a presidential candidate and Romney rival, has said his 2008 endorsement was motivated more by politics than conservative beliefs.
"I made, I hate to say it, a calculated political decision that Romney was the stronger horse and had a better chance to win Super Tuesday with the resources he had," Santorum said. "I like him. The time I spent with him, he was a gentleman. He's very sincere."
Fair question. I have thought about that. As one of, perhaps the, longest term supporters of Santorum on this board:
I still will not support Romney even if Santorum is his VP.
Check my tagline.
I have seen too many elections over too many years. I know the direction that the culture is going. I also believe that Romney has no intention of changing the direction of the culture. As I have stated before, the greatest enemies of social conservatives are liberal Republicans.