I’m going to get flamed heavily for this. I’m against the death penalty. I don’t think it is cruel and unusual punishment, but the state has shown it can not be trusted with that power. I’ve seen too many Duke LaCrosse cases, too many showtrial types, and too many Janet Renos to trust the government with that power. Connecticutt can do what it wants, but if this was for federal repeal of the death penalty in federal court systems, I’d support that 100%.
I’ve found that conservatives are about 30-70 on the death penalty. I’m in the 30 and I agree with your reasons.
However, I think the death penalty needs to be retained, but only used on criminals that have BOTH:
(a) committed a henious crime, AND
(b) have proven themselves to be unincarcerable (through escape attempts, serious injury to inmates/guards, or are otherwise a military-type break-in threat - such as Saddam Hussein)