I think your wrong, the Caucasian girl wasn’t within one foot of the Negro’s heels, did numerous stop-pause-stop.
Sucker punches are part of the game. It is typical Negro Culture tactics when dealing with others, particularly with Caucasians: Get in their face and Take cheap shots....i.e., attempt physical intimidation.
My two granddaughters play soccer and play it very well. During a co-ed mixed race game a few years ago the younger granddaughter complained to her older sister that a couple of the Negro boys kept clipping her heels and stepping on her toes. The older sister’s advice was to play them very close, don’t give them room to clip and step on you. Her phase was “Get in their Socks”. As far as I know it worked. The younger girl’s team went undefeated last year.
Incidentally has any one seen a Caucasian Basketball player deck a Negro player, college or Pro? I haven’t, but have seen plenty going the other way. Got to admit, don’t like or watch much NBA ball.
Which is why I have explained to people: when someone gets “in your face”, that is the first punch especially when dealing with black people.
If you wait to return a punch, you lose...if you throw the first punch successfully, you win 90% of the time.