The MSM aren't interested in the facts they are interested in keeping the story advancing.
The problem is now the pot is stirred and like I posted in another thread if Zimmerman isn't found guilty the aftermath is gonna make the Rodney King incident look like a playground scuffle by comparison.
I happen to believe pretty much from the get go Zimmerman was innocent...and began searching back to when the crime first happened. His mother had said then Martin was sitting on the porch....which we know wasn't the case. So that put me on high alert concerning anything the mother might say.
Additionally when the media began posting the photos of Martin as a kid....and Zimmermans mug shot when he was just almost 30.... it was not hard to see the media was creating, once again, their own story.
The black population needs to grasp the fact they are so often used by politicians and by any who want their moments of notoriety....all on their backs. These groups simply want warm bodies, (preferably black), with signs......and soon after the "donation" buckets to pass and be filled....each group taking their "fair share" of those contributions.
It won't be until the money stops flowing this thing has any ending....but when it does end I think Zimmerman and his family will be able to escape and rebuild their otherwise destroyed life.
But the black community will wait til the next media freenzy... and rise when the true racists begin playing the pipers piper....sad...more than sad.
All the more reason not to convict (or even charge) him.