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Obama Compounds the Problem
The Weekly Standard ^ | March 17, 2012 | William Kristol

Posted on 03/27/2012 6:53:13 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife

President Obama's explanation today of his private request yesterday, captured on an open microphone, of Russian president Dmitry Medvedev for some "space" and "flexibility" until after November's election, simply compounds the problem.

"The only way I get this stuff done is if I'm consulting with the Pentagon, with Congress, if I've got bipartisan support and frankly, the current environment is not conducive to those kinds of thoughtful consultations," Obama told reporters. And Obama insisted his comments to Medvedev were "not a matter of hiding the ball—I'm on record" about wanting to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles.

Obama is being disingenuous: His private comments to Medvedev were not about reducing nuclear stockpiles. They were about missile defense: “On all these issues, particularly on missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space,” he said. And Obama didn't just ask for “space” until after Election Day. He promised: "After my election I have more flexibility." So Obama was promising more accommodation to Vladimir Putin's Russia next year, not simply reiterating his commitment to nuclear weapons reduction.

Obama's new comment is also revealing. What does Obama mean by saying that the current environment isn't conducive to "thoughtful consultations" with the Pentagon, as well with Congress? Obama is, it seems, suggesting he'll be able to override military advice more easily once he gets past the election. That's good to know. And that his consultations with the Pentagon fall for Obama into the same category as negotiations with congressional leaders from the other party. This is revealing—and scary.

Finally, Obama doesn't seem at all aware of how inappropriate his whole line of discussion with Medvedev was. It's one thing to acknowledge election year imperatives when discussing domestic issues at home. It's quite another to do so when discussing foreign policy with a foreign leader. A president of the United States, meeting with a foreign leader abroad, should surely maintain the posture that he's acting in the best interests of the United States at all times. Others can explain election year considerations sotto voce if necessary. But it's deeply inappropriate for the president to discuss election year considerations—especially with a foreign leader whose country is often hostile to U.S. interests. Obama's comments are therefore not only an acknowledgment of his thorough politicization of American foreign policy. They also represent a self-inflicted diminution of the stature of the American president in the world.

Obama vincendus est.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; Russia; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: hotmic; hotmicdamagecontrol; icbm; medvedev; missiledefense; nationaldefense; nationalsecurity; needmorespace; openmikenight; russia; waronterror
This is the same position Obama has taken with Israel's security. He will not sell them needed bunker buster bombs and prefers to wait until after the presidential election to approve moving beyond sanctions to deter Iran's nuclear strike on Israel and U.S. interests.
1 posted on 03/27/2012 6:53:19 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

The man is nothing short of reckless and dangerous! I don’t care if we nominate Bill Clinton for the Republican nomination, I would vote for whomever is running against this Manchurian president.

2 posted on 03/27/2012 7:01:28 AM PDT by LibFreeUSA (Pick Your Poison)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

After the election—final phase accomplished. God help us!

3 posted on 03/27/2012 7:02:08 AM PDT by TribalPrincess2U (Anyone not wanting an ID or purple thumb to vote isn't worthy of voting privilege.)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

obumbler is also intimating he is more focused on the election than his job which i a real no-no.

4 posted on 03/27/2012 7:05:45 AM PDT by wiggen (The teacher card. When the racism card just won't work.)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
IMPEACH NOW or at least immediately after Zero is reelected. if rats take back house, then America is truly done - stick a fork in her.
5 posted on 03/27/2012 7:08:54 AM PDT by Cheerio (Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

I’m not sure I think the open microphone was an “accident”. - What’s scary to me is the probability that he does not care what his opponents think about what he says or does; but he would want his supporters to know that he PLANS to be reelected and carry out their wishes after he’s reelected.

6 posted on 03/27/2012 7:10:43 AM PDT by Twinkie (John 3:16)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
EVERYONE must contact their idiot in congress and DEMAND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT!

Once Hussein give our missile defense secrets to Russia, they will be given to Iran, North Korea and who know who - the very ones that we are trying to protect ourselves from!

7 posted on 03/27/2012 7:28:35 AM PDT by The Sons of Liberty (Psalm 109:8 Let his days be few and let another take his office. - Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin)
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To: Twinkie
If you look at the video of the exchange, you see Obamao scoot forward and hunch down in his chair, as does Medvedev - it was a huddle while seated - clearly meant to be a private exchange.
8 posted on 03/27/2012 7:32:32 AM PDT by liberalh8ter (Barack has a memory like a steel trap; it's a gift ~ Michelle Obama)
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To: LibFreeUSA
Obama is, it seems, suggesting he'll be able to override military advice more easily once he gets past the election... This is revealing—and scary.

I fear this situation is worse than we know...

9 posted on 03/27/2012 7:36:42 AM PDT by GOPJ (Democrat-Media Complex - buried stories and distorted facts... freeper 'andrew' Breitbart)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Did you hear what Krauthamer said about this? He came unglued and emphasized his use of the phrase, "this is my last election, then I will have more flexibility,"

Krauthamer was freaked by that phrase, "my last election" indicating he can and will do whatever he wants after he is elected,for the very last time.

10 posted on 03/27/2012 7:38:52 AM PDT by thirst4truth (
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Obama reminds me of those terrible dates with needy girls. An entire evening of "please like me!".

There is just something wrong with that guy.

11 posted on 03/27/2012 7:39:34 AM PDT by Glenn (
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To: Cincinatus' Wife

Obama does not compound the problem - he exemplifies it, he defines it, he is it.

12 posted on 03/27/2012 7:57:40 AM PDT by green iguana
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