I would like to submit an answer to US Ed. Sec. Arne Duncans Why Open Education Matters competition by asking and then answering the following question:
Did the parents of former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers help finance Barack Obamas Harvard education?
Suggested answer:
Probably not significantly. The more probable answer is that the Ayres counterculture family was paid to guide foreign student Obama through Academia.
Since there are no known networks of childhood friends from Obamas past, Obama was probably a member of a Marxist sleeper cell funded by wealthy men with a Marxist view of the World.
The lack of credible evidence that has NOT been forged requires a long-term, highly skilled and well-funded support group.
Who the key members of Obamas probable support group and probable sleeper cell were and are is well known to the CIA and the FBI.
Will the Citizen Journalists such as Breitbart Editor Joel Pollack be able to out-spy these two tax-funded spy entities?
BTW, forget about the LAM, (Liberal Agenda Media), as they are saving their notes to write their tell-all Obama books after Obama has SAFELY retired back home in Kenya.
BTW, BTW, to all the doubters of the above speculation: what does your gut tell you?
There! I can hardly wait to win that $ 25, 000 of taxpayer donated money!
I can’t wait for the military to cuff him and place him in Leavenworth.