Difference between you and me: My wife and I were on a bike ride on a nice summer day and had stopped for coffee in Seattle’s international district. Suddenly this asian kid looking to be about 16 comes running around a corner as fast as he could. Soon about eight others came around right behind him. They caught up with him and took him down right on a busy city sidewalk and proceeded to beat the living sh$$ out of him.
I ran to the scene and started pushing the other gang members off him. A cab driver stopped in the street and did the same thing. Nobody else did anything. We succeeded in stopping the beating, but the kids face was so bloodied as to look pretty serious.
Could I have been hurt? Yep. But I live this mantra:
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Our founding fathers took much greater risk than I did. Zimmerman was in a neighborhood that had some crime problem, and Tray was an unknown. For a vigilant Neighborhood Watchman, that REQUIRES that he keep an eye on the guy and maybe even let him know that he is being watched, just in case he has some nefarious act in mind.