I found this posted by his cousin on FB on Friday March 9 2012:
“Jaleesa Tasha Martin
While visiting the Orlando area, my cousin was walking to the store when he noticed a man following him. He asked the man “why are you following me?” the man replied “I’m not” and rolled his window up. The man then got out his car & continued to follow him. My cousin asked him the same question & the man gave him the same answer. (S/N: The man never identified himself as crime watch & was carrying a pistol. You ask how do I know because the account I’m sharing is the account he (the killer) gave to police. Oh and the first officer on the scene had the same name as the killer.) OK, so the man then reaches in his pocket. This is when my cousin struck the man, taking him to the ground and continuing to beat on him. The killer now calling for help got hold of his gun firing 1 fatale shot. This man was not arrested or even processed. No charges are being filed and the state is withholding evidence. Why did this man single him out, why did he lie & tell my cousin that he wasn’t following him, why did he continue to follow him, why did he get out his car, why didn’t he identify himself as the local crime watch? These questions were never asked or answered.”
I guess they think it is illegal to walk in your own neighborhood and now want the guy arrested for defending himself after begin assulted ?
This is when my cousin struck the man, taking him to the ground and continuing to beat on him.
It's hearsay evidence, but if believed, it exonerates and Zimmerman and convicts Martin.