Yes, that has become my hope also.
At least we’d have a chance in a brokered convention.
A chance is better than no chance, right?
BTW, thanks for your column.
Can anyone believe this Trayvon thing has assumed the gigantic proportions that is has. It seems to be all anyone is talking about and everyone knows exactly what happened and why, when in truth nobody knows exactly what happened and why.
It opened of a can of black hate that is unbelievable... a bounty on Zimmerman, a witness scared out of his mind and a police department vilified for following the law.
It’s almost unbelievable. The nasty underbelly sticking up for all to see.
It is Totally nasty and quickly becoming dangerous.
Race relations are the worst I’ve seen them in a long time......but what do you expect from a community agitator?
Is a bounty legal? Can lynch mobs go unhindered in today's society?