With only 120 delegates to his name, Gingrich needs to pack it in. This is becoming an embarrassment.
I guess we all have our notions of what embarrassment means.. to me, it's listening to Santorum use more of Newt's lines, more of Newt's quotes, more of newt's ideas in his speeches and presentations than his own, increasingly, everyday.
With only other people's ideas to fuel his campaign, Santorum needs to pack it in til he can think for himself and present ideas which are truly his own, not copied, plagiarized or stolen from his mentor. Speaking of embarrassment and all...
Embarrassment...Newt? LOL....never. Heck even the pundits understand what Newt’s doing and why his staying in is significant.....most of all to Santorum. Were it not for Newt Santorum would had hit the deck along time ago.
So it’s not over til it’s over and the fat lady has yet to sing!
On to convention!!!!!!!
Pack it in for RINO Ricky? You jest...lmao
There you are living in a state that just voted in a bald moonbeam as governor, where they force you to join a union if you blink because that is such hard work, and surcharge you to breathe above water, and you talk about embarrassment? LOL.
Newt is looking more and more by the day as the Ron Paul campaign, only in there to split the votes.
With only 120 delegates to his name, Gingrich needs to pack it in. This is becoming an embarrassment.
It is comical. His campaign is COMPLETELY insignificant. I don’t care if he stays or not. Why not have him continue getting his fourth place finishes. It gives him something to do. He has only stolen two states from Rick Santorum....big egomaniac that he is.