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To: Talisker

“So where’s you logic, based on what facts?”

How about that Zimmerman was tape recorded, stalking him,, pissed off that the “assholes always get away” and there’s in not the slightest evidence that the kid was doing anything wrong, or seeking a confrontation.

Where is your evidence that the kid did anything other than defend himself against a bully? Anything shady in the kid’s background?
The neighbors who heard it, and were much closer than you and i, all seem to pretty much agree that Zimm was the aggressor. (even if well meaning in his motives)

96 posted on 03/20/2012 8:57:17 PM PDT by DesertRhino (I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office)
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To: DesertRhino
How about that Zimmerman was tape recorded, stalking him,, pissed off that the “assholes always get away” and there’s in not the slightest evidence that the kid was doing anything wrong, or seeking a confrontation.

Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch, called to watch, and called 911. Describing that as "stalking" him is a flat-out lie. IF he ever said “assholes always get away” (and you provided no cite), it could easily be the reason why he was on the neighborhood watch - so they wouldn't get away. And if someone called him to watch, and this guy was acting strange, checking out houses, then he should be watched.

Criminals don't like being watched. It pisses them off, and they are known to attack the watcher. THAT is what seems to have happened, from the 911 tapes themselves.

Where is your evidence that the bully wasn't the "kid," and Zimmerman wasn't defending himself? Who was the neighborhood watch calling 911, and who was the stranger checking out houses at night?

Your reasoning is ass-backwards and you know it.

142 posted on 03/20/2012 10:33:03 PM PDT by Talisker (He who commands, must obey.)
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