Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force according to Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law because Martin was on top of him beating him in the face.
According to this eye witness quoted in this article Zimmerman was getting the worst of it and calling for help once the fighting started so he used his weapon under the Stand Your Ground Law,
The guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, Help! Help! and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911, said the witness, who asked to be identified only by his first name, John.
John said he locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.
And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.
That is why the cops didnt arrest him at the scene after hearing this witness account, observing his bloody nose and his bleeding from the back of he head. Considering that he had a concealed carry permit, was injured in the scuffle and reasonably thought that Martin was a criminal, the cops had to let him go.
Yet these facts are totally censored from the public in almost all of the reporting by the Corrupt Liberal Media.
The cops let him go after cuffing him when the local prosecutors said there was no case for manslaughter
Besides Martin is not the angelic 12 year old pictured in almost all the news stories but was almost 18, six foot three, and had been suspended from High School in Miami so he went to Sanford to visit his dad.
Divide and conquer.
The fake story about Rush’s comments and the “war on women.”
Then this Hispanic (half Jewish / half Cuban) guy is called white and all of the facts rewritten.
Get the base motivated and mad.
Big black turnout and women voting for Rats is their gameplan. Media follows the party line.
Any reports on why he was suspended?
Thank you!