TigersEye, I suggest that you buy yourself some glasses. The Islamic Free Market Institute is not the same thing as the Islamic Institute. The first was indeed founded by Grover Norquist, the second wasn’t. Just try googling “Islamic Institute” and you will find a lot of institutes with that name. Abdurahman Alamoudi may have given a check to the Islamic Institute, but that is not the same thing. Do you realize how many jumps in logic that you have to make to argue that this connection is what you claim that it is? Suppose the bank doesn’t mind that the name on the check doesn’t match the name of the institute, suppose that this check is real, suppose that it was actually given for the reason that you claim and not some other reason (you provide no evidence on this), do you really think that most people would get bought off for these two $10,000 checks?
Thanks for confirming that you’re an apologist for Islamists.
Not near as large of a leap as attributing any of that article to me. I made no claims. Nor was there any mention of The Islamic Free Market Institute or the Islamic Institute in the excerpt I posted. Apparently honesty is not in your playbook. Are you a Muslim?