Since Newt has apparently lost his abilitity to recover, it is timefor him to do the right thing and bow out. If he is a part of the establishment, he will not do this, for as it now stands, he is key for Romney’s victory.
If Newt bows out, Romney will probably get 40% of his support, if not more.
In a poll in NC, it showed that without Newt, the support is split about 56% Santorum, 44% Romney.
Knock it off!
Strategically, Santorum killed the only shot at taking Romney down one-on-one by pushing ahead through FL and beyond.
Mathematically it's nearly impossible for Romney to be outright beaten and it will be very difficult to stop him from clinching the nomination. However, the only strategy available to do it requires all the non-Romney's to pull voters and delegates from Romney. If any one exits now, Romney will take a substantial portion of delegates that would've stayed in the non-Romney camp.
Santorum's the establishment tool, happy to "take one for the team" throughout his senate career all while betraying his so-called "conservative" values.