Good grief people, this is being blown all out of proportion. Hussein didn’t sign anything “that allows him to take over all our liberty’s”.
This is the same EO that’s been in place since 1994 and apparently amended several times since.
Obama made some minor changes, as Bush did previously, but otherwise there is simply nothing here to get excited about.
Now we are doomed to endless, dopey conspiracy theories about this instead of focusing on the real economic issues Obama wants to avoid discussing.
Bingo, Longbow.
Totally agree, it is very sad and pathetic that some on our side are behaving this way...
“This is the same EO thats been in place since 1994 and apparently amended several times since.”
These EOs have been around for decades. Nixon signed one back in either 1970 or 1972. It does no good, though, to mention that. Some people (not you) want their Chicken Little parade.
I got this email this morning...
OBAMA is now attacking FFA (Future Farmers of America) and 4-H. They are imposing new regulations on Family Farms and child labor and specifically sighted these two organizations as not good for children. One of the regs is children cannot be around farm animals under the age of 16. They are holding hearings on this right now.
Children under the age of 16 will NOT be able to TOUCH any animals or TRACTORS. You do understand......our County Fairs are put on by our local 4-H groups, which are all CHILDREN! Our kids won't be able to show animals or participate in tractor pulls. CITY KIDS WON'T BE ABLE TO DO GRASS CUTS ON WEEKENDS!
Here comes the it can't happen here crowd. Did you read it??? Did you see what was changed?? They can do this during peace time now. He doesn't need a national emergency to implement this. He only has to say that our country isn't defended as properly as it should be and he cant nationalize any industry he wants and draft and people he wants to achieve those goals. Also as I read it a lot, if not all of this power falls under the jurisdiction of the Dept of Homeland Security now instead of FEMA. AS if to make it creepier why all of a sudden does DHS need 450 million rounds of hollow point ammunition?? So with a straight face say again that this is new EO is all about nothing
Actually, since 1950. The names and offices have been updated, but it’s pretty much what it has been for more than 60 years.