Bob is 38 years old. Most of the privates and specialists in his squad are in their late teens or early twenties. Bob is more like their Dad than a buddy although he is that, too.
To see what he has seen is something we cannot even fathom.
Again, please pray.
I will.
Bottom line, I just don’t care (assuming it is true) how many he killed. Not anymore. Not considering the fact that his country under the current leadership failed him so thoroughly.
IMO - The man to blame sits in the White House. His asinine policies/ROEs and disdain for America, Americans and her soldiers is the cause. Not this man, who by all accounts was a model soldier and citizen.
To hell with the Koranimals. And as for those who say ‘women and children” - Those children are raised by those women to be what they become. They are just as much the problem the world faces as Bin Ladin, for without their nurturing generation after generation of Muslim fighters AKA terrorists, we would not need to be there.
He has my prayers and my support. I have been absolutely heartsick over this...I wish I could go get him OUT of Leavenworth and take him home to his family.
Apparently there was some major snafus by the doctors to ship him back out here...horrendous mess