Dr. Sowell nails it as always.
And Romney isn't one to let the truth get in his way when destroying an opponent!
Our country hangs in the balance...and we get this Eddie Haskell character as our champion?
Obama wants to face no one else but Romney. His whole campaign is geared up ready to defeat Mittens who will look like a deer in the headlights. He even had his surrogate, Donald Trump endorse Romney with a threat that he will run independent if Romney doesn’t get the nomination.
If Mitt Romney wins the Republican nomination I AM STAYING HOME. I don’t care. We need someone to head off the collapse that’s coming and Mitt ain’t it. If he somehow wins the Presidency he will do nothing to avert the course we are on and the Republicans will be blamed for all time.
Thank you Dr. Sowell!
Yes! I noticed that the great Mr. Sowell didn't come right out for Newt in this article (other than to emphasize that he's more of a fighter than Santorum) as he did a week or so ago. I can't second-guess that great mind but would assume it's because not enough people took him up on going all-in for Newt and he doesn't want to taint Santorum.
Dr. Sowell nails it again. Thanks, jazusamo.
Those two need to work as a tag team, and take out Mittzy. Once that's done, they can run as a ticket and hash out who gets to be at the top to face Obozo.
Very visionary article and so true. Thomas Sowell knows what needs to be done.
** President Newt Gingrich-”Our beloved republic deserves nothing less.”
Coincidentally, on another thread earlier today, this was my post:
Not only does Romney seem to lack the ability to inspire us with the ideas of our Declaration of Independence from a "big government" tyrant (King George III), and the similarity of that King's actions to the tyranny we face today, but he also cannot convey the "vision" thing for our future which harmed Bush 1's candidacy years ago.
"The People" who make up the 60 - 70% of Republicans who don't vote for him likely have studied their American history accounts of Jefferson, Washington, Adams, and Madison, and are looking for a modern inspirational leader like Reagan--a man who had taken the personal time to immerse himself in the ideas essential to liberty, and was willing and able to recognize the enemies of freedom and to engage in a battle of ideas against the counterfeit ideas of socialism.
"His casual writing off of the President as "a good man who is in over his head," or that "does not understand how the economy works," is either naive or a dangerous deliberate mischaracterization."
What kind of an argument is, “You should support Romney because other people are going to”? A dumb one! I almost expected Dr. Sowell to say, “If everyone else was going to jump off a cliff, would you jump, too?”
Great article, sums up Romney’s chances (or lack of) rather nicely. He’s trying to sell something that RINOs will buy, but Conservatives won’t, and Conservatives know he can’t take the fight to Obama, Obama will bring it to him.
“The biggest fighting issue for Republicans is ObamaCare. Can the author of RomneyCare as governor of Massachusetts make that an effective issue by splitting hairs over state versus federal mandates?”
Romney has ZERO credibility, the days he says he will repeal Obamacare. Other days, he says he only will repeal parts of it, or he’ll hand waivers to friends, or he will not repeal it at all... With Romney I one never knows what Romney II would say the next day ...
"Romney: Isn't it time to give up?"
In the general election, President Obama will have all the advantages against Romney that Romney currently has against his Republican rivals. Barack Obama will have boots on the ground everywhere not just members of the Democratic Party organization but thousands of labor union members as well.
Always interesting - thanks for the ping.
Newt is finished and now has no chance. For whatever reason he blew it or just did not catch on.
Also I could not vote for Newt as he just no real Conservative. Been in D.C. way too long and the latest wife is beyond the pale.