This is the crux of what this post is about.
These people wish to subvert us and our way of life.
There is not a founding father that would have tolerated this crap.
Obama and his minions, for all of their liberal clap trap, would hound us with laws and taxes and roll away our freedom.
The point is not is the american political system corrupted?..
BUT are the american people corrupted generally..?
Is the United States the New Sodom?.
If so, we have the givernment we want and deserve..
For decades republicans have allowed our schools to corrupted..
It won’t change overnight if at all..
There is NO AMERICA to save us from ourselves like what “we” did in Europe TWICE..
European and Asian based provocateurs.. have corrupted America..
Only thing that has a prayer of saving America now is REVOLT.. STAMPEDE...
The wolves are indeed in the flock..