Inb4 women wearing sexy, push up bras, boob jobs, dresses and shirts cut low to show cleavage...all done to accentuate their breast.
And this accentuating crosses all lines of women, conservative and liberal.
Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make it the same thing as a young abused girl, trafficked and doing porn as an adult any more right.
Porn is degrading. Porn comes from sexual violence and leads to it, in too many cases.
There is nothing about it that a conservative should be defending.
And this accentuating crosses all lines of women, conservative and liberal.
Well, there is always the burqa! Because burqas are so liberating for women since the garment frees them from the degradation of men looking at their breasts. Maybe we should be more like Saudi Arabia? We can create a Department of Morals and Virtue and hire thousands of regulators to scan the internet for T&A.