To: liberalh8ter
"re-elect Obama and get CWII underway or elect Mitt and get CWII underway"The problem will be that if Romney-the-RINO is able to win despite all the Fraud and Illegal voters, he will be no different, but will get the State-Run-Media's "give him time" excuse while he continues the takeover of Society by Big Government meddling.
CWII will become inevitable, but in the meantime, the opposition will continue to be bolstered in numbers by the Illegals that keep pouring across the border.
With any luck, the Jihadists will hit Washington D.C., and we can gain a do-over.
14 posted on
03/16/2012 5:27:43 AM PDT by
(Don't gotsta worry 'bout no mo'gage, don't gotsta worry 'bout no gas; Obama gonna take care o' me!)
To: traditional1
Either way, at this point, I see it as our only hope. Even if we were to get someone other than Mitt, the commies will use the next 4 years for organizing and planning. They need to be driven out of our society, not merely pushed back.
17 posted on
03/16/2012 5:32:08 AM PDT by
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