During the 08 campaign, the same media that reported breathlessly about an old used tanning bed I purchased to get some sun during the dark Alaskan winter, couldnt be bothered to investigate Barack Obamas associations, statements or even his voting record as a state senator.
I hope someone can get this link to Sarah - it shows how the New York Times worked FOR Obama. Its undercover tape of journalists connected to the New York Times - talking with other elites.
They are unaware a conservative is in the room.
Crescendos are natural, inevitable: witness birds, cicadas, crickets singing in pure concerto when the time is right for them to do so.
We’ll sing and vote with the same tsunami voice as 2010 when appropriate. We are not manufactured ACORN voters who jump when the electrodes are applied.
Slow and easy does it.
and creepy.
First I’ve seen this...It made my skin crawl...These people think the rest of us are excrement to be scrapped of the bottom of their shoe.
This doesn’t surprise me at all, sadly.