One can only hope this story picks up traction. It is like a coup took place three years ago and nobody except a county sheriff, a few bloggers and genuine reporters, and a smattering of patriotic citizens noticed. Certainly, our chattering classes, elite media, politicians, and judges didn't!
We are finding out just what happens when a revolution takes place and "nobody" notices. But I'm betting when 0bamaCare, economic collapse, and the gulags eventually kick a lot more people will notice.
If I have my way, all of it will get invalidated when it becomes apparent that he is an Unconstitutional POTUS, a man who has usurped the Office. Nothing he has done is either legal or legitimate.
That means literally EVERYTHING he has done, disappears the instant he is removed from office. If it is done properly and LEGALLY that is. We shall see if the congress critters, party bossed, SCOTUS FINALLY do the right thing by the constitution. If they don’t that TELLS us something. And THAT is 100% NOT good. That would mean we don’t have any form of legitimate government other than the states.