Haha . . . I agree!
If a candidate can’t speak from the heart then he shouldn’t run. A teleprompter is a crutch for a puppet candidate who’s speaking someone else’s line.
Illegal? No.
but the other candidates should razz Obama for being addicted to a teleprompter. Tell people that they are getting a fake, a fraud president because he can’t impress people without a teleprompter. He’s a phony.
I would recommend they do this at every opportunity. Damn, the maladroit couldn’t talk to school children without a teleprompter.
“Obama will read anything that is put on that teleprompter. And by ‘anything,’ I mean a-ny-th-i-n-g.”
The first President to use a teleprompter extensively was Reagan.
It's fun to mock Obama for using a teleprompter, but the truth is that it cuts both ways. Part of a President's job is to give a good prepared speech, and whether it comes from notecards or a teleprompter says nothing about the merits of the speech itself. This is a stylistic attack rather than one of substance.
This is another one of those red herring issues that won't end up helping us in November, because the real issue is what he says, not how he says it. And Santorum's attack that using one is somehow a flaw is just dumb. Sometimes, it makes sense to look like you're not just making it up as you go along.