Birth control is something we rely on, and its abhorrent for a civilized society not to embrace that./
No, what’s really abhorrent is that todays women embrace being sluts and sexually promiscuous. They seem to have no morals or modesty and now want us to pay for their promiscuity. They are abhorrent, and they can KMA!
I neutered my dog to prevent the kind of behavior they want us to subsidize. Why should my taxes pay for their nymphomania?
The sluts have made a big leap from fighting for their right to privacy in Roe v. Wade to now demanding that every American, the government, and health care companies get involved in their sex lives and provide them with as much birth control as they need. It could be a good way of figuring out who the prostitutes are. Law enforcement can clamp down on them and the IRS can audit them for unclaimed wages.