Cute. Meanwhile there is the FACT that Planned Parenthood themselves REQUIRE transvaginal ultrasounds before performing 1st trimester abortions (the difference is they never show the woman the images, lest she realize there is an actual living being inside her). Refuse it, and you don't get your abortion. Why isn't that "rape"?
Great point!
Women, being rational beings with minds and wills, can do that. And we can view, and grasp the significance of our inner space as well.
It doesn't cause shame to see a sonogram of your left atrium. It's not emotionally traumatic to view your pancreas. Diagnostic imaging is not offensive, no matter what organ you'vew viewing or what procedure is in the offing.
But look, there on the GE Voluson 730 4D Ultrasound System screen: a tender tiny creature with a throbbing heart and a home address that's exactly the same as yours. It's a fascinating moment, isn't it, when you see signs of life and activity through the new eyes of scientific technology?
Look for yourself what you'd see of this fascinating creature at 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks:>
A good picture, good imaging, causes wonder, curiosity, a driving desire to see more and to know more.
The only thing that causes shame, Mr. Garry Trudeau, is not a good picture but a bad conscience.