My question presupposes nothing, except that insufficient research on the entire matter has been done. There is evidence that its a choice. The best science so far says there is no gay gene. There is evidence that people discover that they are gay and feel that it was not a choice, regardless of the cause.
The point is anybody in medical science who attempts to either study it, or raise money to study it, will find themselves unemployed.
Cynthia Nixon nearly got her head handed to her for suggesting she chose it.
The only headway that anyone will make on the MEDICAL or SCIENTIFC question of what causes homosexuality, and what, if anything, can be done about it, could only really be done by the Church.
They have a vital interest in the question, since it has so damaged them in every respect in the last 40 years especially. I daresay they could make it a cause worthy of fundraising in search of a cure.
Who does not want a cure for pedophilia, for example? If they are linked, the Church could do the world a massive medical service.
A ‘cure’ would assume there is an underlying medical condition, a reason beyond the persons control. That is my only objection.
Personally, I think the best ‘cure’ for pedophilia is castration.