I too would like to think of something to turn this ‘war on women’ thing around. As a woman, I am ashamed of all the liberals and feminists and their shallow, petty, and transparent hypocrisy. It is to the point of idiocy. What stresses me more is the thought that 57% of women approve of Obama? Really? I have friends on Facebook who have recently posted articles despising Limbaugh and I think, “do I need to unfriend them?” No... they are allowed their opinions. I just don’t agree to argue with them in that venue. I think approaching the mainstream media may be a more powerful influence. They are all about the money.... how can we protest and cause some of THEIR advertisers to renege on them? If it worked for Carbonite, why not protest advertising on ABC, CBS, PMSNBC, yada yada? I cancelled my HBO the other day.... they act like they don’t even care.
Women need to begin thanking feminists from Gloria Steinheim to Sandra Fluke for stereotyping the entire gender as sex maniacs and slaves. What the feminists perceived as to how they were viewed is exactly what they have stereotyped women into being. Women had control over their own body from the beginning, now they are viewed as sex machines with a pill or some other product as ‘protection’. With Ms.Fluke, women are now viewed as machines that cannot control their own bodies, and so must have you and I pay for this ‘protection’. Women must begin to laugh at and ridicule these helpless souls.