Most Catholic school teachers attended the same colleges of education as their government school colleagues. They are just as indoctrinated in Marxism as any government teacher. Also, many Catholic colleges, such as my alma mater, Villanova, are neck deep in Liberation Theology. They break the First Commandment every day by worshiping Marx instead of God.
My daughter taught at a Catholic K-8 school. All of the teachers and the principal voted for Obama. This is a man who voted three times to withhold palliative care to infants born after a botched abortion. Imagine that! **Catholic** TEACHERS voted for a man that would allow infants to shiver to death while gasping for air while lying in the bottom of a stainless steel hospital utility room sink! My daughter was the **only** teacher who held her regular class during the Obama inauguration.
Warning! Not all Catholic schools are created equal!
However....There are some hopeful movements among believing Catholics. Some Catholic families are joining together, hiring a teacher, and running their own independent one-room schools. ( Great idea!)
Nothing would please me more than to see every Catholic child in this nation receive a truly Catholic education.
Finally.....Have you considered homeschooling your grandson? It really isn't hard. What a wonderful gift that you could give to your grandson that would last an eternity.
I am hardly qualified to homeschool anyone.
My own education is not the best. My wife’s is better, but we live 40 miles from the kids.
It is a shame but you are correct, the teachersall went to the same schools, however at the Catholic schools here they are not Union members.
Thanks for the info on Catholic schools. Doesn’t affect
me personally but one needs to know.