Yes, and that's where she trapped Rush.
2) She did say that others did and are having a hard time paying for such lifestyle. 3) She was speaking on behalf of those others.
I read that she was coming at it from a medical perspective. That said I think she's a dangerous operative from the progressive left. She should be derided for her views. Rush calling her a slut incorrectly (she may actually be one but her testimony doesn't reveal that) has caused more damage than if he had done it from the Constitutional perspective.
I disagree.
For several decades the left has relied on our side “behaving” and always trying to be fair.
While they beat us about head and shoulders. Figuratively speaking.
There was no controversy when Sarah Palin was called that word.
I see this as having the positive outcome, that our side has been shaken from the “dignified” behavior which has cost our side so many elections, and starts treating liberals they way they’ve treated us.
Saul Alinsky baby.