Is this comment true in that article? Why is this guy not demanding more for our military? He is comparing his chef son to someone who fought their country?
I get Tricare Prime healthcare. I will say to people who are complaining to stop. It is based on a person’s rank at retirement. I am not complaining because we pay $460 a year. While my son is a cook at a chain eatery who makes $12.00 per hour and pays alittle over $400.00 a month for a family of 4. Now I find that outrages. He used to get 2 weeks a yr vacation time. He has been there over 12 yrs and their bosses took away a week from the employees except for the managers. My dad and fathe-in-law both retired from the military at a time that they and their families got free health care for life. Now they can’t do it anymore. I don’t like having to pay for the health care but we are still better off then alot of people so stop complaining. I know I got our monies worth with all my health issues. If you don’t like it don’t take it. It is that simple.
- AFM, Cookeville,TN, 28/2/2012 22:37
There are Obamaites in the military and amongst veterans, too, sadly. Not every veteran is a conservative. Oliver Stone was in Vietnam.
Comments like yours make the public think all retired military get $460 a year TRICARE prime and we’re bitching about paying more
Ain’t happening here, no TRICARE PRIME available for this retired family and annual medical bills with “free” TRICARE FL plus MEDICARE already run in the thousands and we are relatively healthy
I just don’t know what’s going to be left to give because every agency, every tax eater out there, thinks their increase is just a drop in the bucket we need to swallow, so raise property taxes, income taxes, state taxes, fees, water bill, electric bill, gas, now medical
So I will say to people who are ATYPICAL and fat dumb and happy with their bennies - stop thinking you are speaking for those of us who are not, can NOT be, in PRIME and have great cause to be alarmed
When your $460 goes to $2400 plus a big deductible plus big increase for meds, then get back to us.
And if you don’t like it, don’t take it, wth that means