You know screw (pardon the pun) Rush for apologising. Read her statement:
$3000 bucks for getting laid? How many times are we talking about here to reach $3000 bucks? The woman IS a slut!
My corner pharmacy sells condoms a buck each, how long is law school? 3 or 4 years? Do the math here people.
365 days a year...4 years doing it once a day would equal $1460. Divide $3000 by that...2.05 times a day EVERY day for four years! When I lived in the lower east side of Manhattan in the 1980s I knew HOOKERS who didn't do nearly that much! They would work 3 or 4 johns a week, once each, unless they were crack whores and would do enough to buy crack. RUSH WAS RIGHT! WHY DID HE APOLOGIZE?
Law school probably 4 years with another 3 or so of graduate school. If you read the testimony you would know she wasn’t talking about herself but several other women including a lesbian. I think she is including the annual office visits and pelvic exams as well.
Oh yeah and just to add to my rant above: What guy is she screwing 2.05 times a day that is going to use a raincoat each and every time? No no no no, that’s not how it works. If some guy is screwing a girl that much eventually he is going to insist on doing it raw otherwise he will go out of his mind. At least that is my experience. Unless she is doing it with a bunch of guys? Which again would lead to it being very proper to call her a slut.
She requires us to pay for her RECREATIONAL SEXUAL EXPLOITS. Did the Jesuits at Georgetown vet her in an interview?
I wonder what the admissions process is like at Georgetown Law. Did they even interview her? What are her grades? What was her LSAT score? Was she an affirmative action admisssion?