We’ve been listening since shortly after he went national, whenever that was. I heard snippets of this guy who was talking sense, but didn’t know who it was. Then I started hearing people yammering about this “racist, Limbaugh” and I wondered who the heck that was. Lo and behold, it was the guy talking sense. So I found him and started listening seriously to find out if the hysterics were true. And of course, they weren’t.
Then we got into the Clarence Thomas hearings. And I firmly believe that, if Rush hadn’t been on the air, we might not have had one of our best jurists accede to the Supreme Court. Rush got the truth out.
We all have Sleep Number beds which we looked into because of Rush, and we used to buy Snapple on his enthusiastic endorsement.
Having said all that, I’m glad he apologized for the s-word. It was crude and not up to his usual standards. The case he made against the woman was a strong one and I think the foul language underminded the power of what he was saying.
Whatever happened to Snapple anyway?
The advertisers are spineless.Who are they targeting with their adds on Rushs’ show? Rush listeners thats who.I dont care that he called the round heel a slut.I really dont.Thats what we would call her.I dont think he should have apologized because the left never lets up and now they smell blood and will be relentless.Just watch and see. I want Rush to tell them to pound sand.