With due respect, you so misapprehend the nature of the battle we are in. So so so misapprehend it.
With all due respect right back atcha, I do understand this conflict, and naturally I think I understand it better than you (why else have an opinion forum, eh?). The Bible describes the war behind the war. As a Christian first, I believe that account. The reason Alynski acknowledges Lucifer is because his methods, not just his objectives, were and are Luciferian. Adopting calculated defamation as a way to diminish one’s political opponents is corrupting to the one who so adopts. You worry about the battle. So do I. No good soldier puts himself or his fellow warriors in harms way unnecessarily. And no such warrior who relies on God’s blessing for success in battle will do what alienates him from his God. If God does not help us in this particular fight, we are truly doomed. And as Jesus and the apostles specifically rejected the tactic of insult and defamation, Christians who are serious about winning will follow that lead.