You lump them together as if they are the same...I don’t understand why so many people do that.
Would Romney let the Bush tax cuts expire? No. Obama. Yes
Would Romney put a far wing leftist on the SC? No. Obama. Yes
Would Romney let Iran get a nuclear bomb? No. Obama. Yes
Romney wants to eliminate the Estate Tax. Obama wants to increase taxes.
Romney wants a 15% corporate tax rate. Obama wants 35%
On and on and on.
Would Romney force me to pay for abortion and contraception? Yes.
You might be willing to compromise on this issue, I am not.
My faith is really clear on this - that it’s wrong to do either, and any politician who supports public funded abortion and contaception is unworthy of my support.
Even if you didn’t have that newly minted sign up date, you wouldn’t be long for FReeperdom, pushing Willard.
The father of sodomite fake “marriage.”
The gun banner.
The father of socialized medicine, complete with $50 copay taxpayer-funded abortions.
The guy who utterly homosexualized the public schools and state government in Massachusetts.