Rush has completely weakened his position on this, and made those of us who supported him on this look like fools!
I disagree.
I disagree, also.
Rush did the right thing. It takes a stronger person with class to apologize. The left would have won this battle hands down due to their faux and manufactured outrage. He outfoxed them BY apologizing.
He did it... I’m glad... now hopefully we can we move on to more pressing issues....
like how the damned Democrat left is destroying our country.
Go back and read her transcript. She was relaying stories from other women at Georgetown, and speaking on their behalf. Nowhere in her transcript does she say SHE is the one needing free contraception. Her sex life is never mentioned.
Everybody is assuming she’s sleeping around. She may be, but that’s not what the transcript shows.
Rush was correct to apologize, because by calling her a slut he (and many people on this board) accused her specifically of being the one with the morals of an alley cat. There’s no evidence of that.