He is WORSE than a liberal - at least a liberal is honest about who they are!! He's trying to pass himself off as something what he isn't for votes ONLY and he suckered you in because you listened to the LIAR!! You ignore the damage he is doing and did. He is a LYING LIBERAL - never to be trusted.
He'll back stab you will no regrets.
Against traditional marriage is not Republican much less conservative. He is a known LIAR and a fraud and get to know what his business was like, hardly the normal business.
Balance the budget? Newt already did it four times - it's not rocket science when you KNOW and love this country. A big gov't shrill like Romney will NEVER do he. "I DON'T care about the poor" came from the heart when he spoke it.
It will NOT happen with Romney and he is bringing our country down just by being in this race!! State one thing that Romney DID that shows his love for this country. NOT what our country did for him - fill his pockets - but what he did for America?