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To: bunkerhill7

I`m from Missouri- show me the before and after ``transmutated`` elements.
No proof?
/ It` BS.
***Start here to dispel your profound and haughty ignorance on the subject.

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DOWNLOAD 2012-01-27 2011 Srinivasan, M., G.H. Miley, and E. Storms, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: Transmutations, in Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology and Applications. 2011, Wiley. p. 503-540.
Author Srinivasan, M.
Co-authors Miley, G. H., Storms, E.
Title Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: Transmutations
Publisher Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology and Applications
Date Uploaded 2012-01-27
Abstract Preprint of review article distributed to participants of ICCF 16 Conference held in Chennai during
Feb 2011

This article describes different aspects of the phenomenon called "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions"
(LENR) which investigate the occurrence of various types of nuclear reactions in certain "host"
metals such as Palladium, Titanium, Nickel, etc.? when they are "loaded" or "charged" with deuterium
(or hydrogen) to form the corresponding metallic deuterides (or hydrides).
Keywords transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2010-10-21 2000 Mallove, E., Book Review: Biological Transmutations (Kervran). Infinite Energy, 2000. 6(34): p. 56.
Author Mallove, E.
Title Book Review: Biological Transmutations (Kervran)
Publisher Infinite Energy
Date Uploaded 2010-10-21
Abstract Reading this translation and compilation of a number of Prof. Louis Kervran?s pre-1970 works is very
disturbing, producing the disorientation that accompanies a possible deep paradigm shift in science.
Kervran (1901-1983), a medical scientist and engineer with a high official position in the French
research and occupational health community, had a life-long interest in the possibility of
biological transmutations. His curiosity apparently began in his youth when he watched the hens
pecking at specks of mica in the farmyard. His later professional observations concerned (in one
small part) the anomalous reappearance of robust calcium-bearing eggshells in calcium-deprived
chickens that had been administered dietary mica (a potassium-rich mineral). Over a century earlier
(in 1799), French chemist Louis Nicolas Vauquelin had noted this. The Kervran bio-transmutation
story and its background is summarized eloquently in "Alchemists in the Garden," a chapter
of the best-selling book The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and the late Christopher Bird.
Keywords review

DOWNLOAD 2010-10-19 2000 Mallove, E., The triumph of alchemy: Professor John Bockris and the transmutation crisis at Texas A&M. Infinite Energy, 2000. 6(32): p. 9.
Author Mallove, E.
Title The triumph of alchemy: Professor John Bockris and the transmutation crisis at Texas A&M
Publisher Infinite Energy
Date Uploaded 2010-10-19
Abstract Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Texas A&M University, John O?M. Bockris, is one of the
top two or three electrochemists of the twentieth century. He must be counted as a lineal
intellectual descendant of one of the greatest scientists of all time, Michael Faraday, who was of
humble birth but became a towering figure of nineteenth century science. Like Bockris, Faraday was
raised in England and came to love many facets of science. In addition to his fundamental
discoveries in electromagnetism, Faraday had much to do with the birth of electrochemistry. . . .
Keywords history

DOWNLOAD 2009-12-14 2003 Tsvetkov, S.A. Possibility Of Using Of Cold Fusion For Nuclear Waste Products Transmutation. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Tsvetkov, S. A.
Title Possibility Of Using Of Cold Fusion For Nuclear Waste Products Transmutation
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2009-12-14
Abstract Abstract
The possibility of using of cold fusion for nuclear waste products transmutation is investigated in
this paper. In generally a method is based on saturation of the titanium by a mixture of deuterium
and air. Possible nuclear fusion reactions are discussed. Their "burning out" sections,
effective half-life periods and intensity of neutron beams are evaluated. Applicability of the
method for a transmutation of the nuclear waste containing Cesium -137 is considered.
Keywords transmutation, nuclear waste

DOWNLOAD 2009-11-05 2009 Grabowski, K.S., et al. Evaluation of the Claim of Transmutation of Cesium to Praseodymium with the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Structure -- Part 1 (PowerPoint slides). in 15th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2009. Rome, Italy: ENEA.
Author Grabowski, K. S.
Co-authors Kidwell, D., Cetina, C., Carosella, C.
Title Evaluation of the Claim of Transmutation of Cesium to Praseodymium with the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Structure -- Part 1 (PowerPoint slides)
Publisher 15th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2009-11-05
Abstract The MHI claim to transmute elements upon permeation of deuterium though a specific multilayer
structure was carefully evaluated. Initially, an attempt was made to replicate the work at NRL in
collaboration with MHI. When replication proved difficult, another set of experiments were conducted
at MHI in three sets consisting of two control blanks and one positive foil (that should have
transmuted Cesium to Praseodymium) per set. Foil samples were split for analysis at both NRL and
MHI. Extensive analytical work was performed to characterize the foils and the blanks. When
extracted at MHI, low nanogram amounts of Pr were found by ICP-MS on 3 of 3 foils that should have
had Pr whereas the 6 controls were blank. Split solutions of these extracts were also tested
independently at NRL and the presence of Pr was confirmed. The Pr found did not have the
characteristic rare earth contamination expected if the Pr was from the environment and thus looked
like it was produced in the experiment. Unfortunately, we could not find Pr at NRL (even at trace
levels) on our split foil samples no matter what extraction method was employed. After considering
and evaluating several unlikely scenarios for these disparate results, we visited MHI and
participated in the extraction process on new foils. These extracts were blank when tested at both
laboratories. Environmental samples were obtained at various locations where samples were handled.
Pr was found in large amounts at one location used in sample preparation and this Pr had the
signature of pure material rather than an inadvertent contaminate. No record of how it got there
could be established. Other rare and characteristic impurities also were found in the extracts from
MHI that were present in the laboratory environment. Thus, we concluded that the transmutation of Cs
to Pr when deuterium permeated MHI?s multilayer structure could not be firmly established, as
contamination during the foil production or during the foil analysis could not be ruled-out. The
design of the replication experiments, the lessons learned, and the results will be discussed.

DOWNLOAD 2008-12-23 2008 Lewis, E. Evidence of Ball Lightning -- A Survey of Some Recent Experimental Papers Describing Microscopic Objects Associated with Transmutation Phenomena. in ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.
Author Lewis, E.
Title Evidence of Ball Lightning -- A Survey of Some Recent Experimental Papers Describing Microscopic Objects Associated with Transmutation Phenomena
Publisher ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2008-12-23
Abstract Eight or 9 groups of researchers have reported that transmutation experiments are associated with
the emission of anomalous objects that cause anomalous markings. Since the year 2000, Urutskoev et
al., Savvatimova, Ivoilov, and Adamenko have published similar results, and several scientists are
speculating that these emitted objects are Lochak monopoles. Plastic targets like CR-39 and nuclear
emulsions of various kinds are used by researchers as a way to detect various particles and objects,
and people are finding anomalous markings on their detectors and on their electrodes. Before them,
Matsumoto, Shoulders and I reported finding similar markings in transmutation experiments. I found
such markings on the components of an electrolysis cell [1]. I hypothesized that microscopic ball
lightning is produced in transmutation experiments. Matsumoto accepted this idea when I told him,
and Savvatimova and Urutskoev acknowledge that they have found tracks similar to those in the
photographs published by Matsumoto [2, 3]. Their transmutation results are similar also. During this
decade, several groups investigated these objects that evidence the characteristics and behavior of
ball lightning.
Keywords review

DOWNLOAD 2008-11-26 2008 Yamaguchi, T., et al. Investigation of Nuclear Transmutation Using Multilayered CaO/X/Pd Samples Under Deuterium Permeation. in ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.
Author Yamaguchi, T.
Co-authors Sasaki, A., Nohmi, T., Taniike, A., Furuyama, Y., Kitamura, A.
Title Investigation of Nuclear Transmutation Using Multilayered CaO/X/Pd Samples Under Deuterium Permeation
Publisher ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2008-11-26
Abstract We constructed an experimental system in which accelerator analyses by PIXE, ERDA, NRA and RBS can
be made in situ under deuterium (D) gas permeation through multilayered CaO/style='mso-bidi-font-style:normal'>X/Pd samples to induce nuclear transmutation in the element
X. Furthermore, to examine the effect of flow direction, we made a D gas permeation system
separated from the accelerator beam-line chamber for style='mso-bidi-font-style:normal'>ex-situ accelerator analysis. We report the results of recent
experiments in this paper.
Keywords transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2007-05-25 2002 Kozima, H., et al. Consistent explanation of topography changes and nuclear transmutation in surface layers of cathodes in electrolytic cold fusion experiments. in The 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2002. Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China: Tsinghua Univ. Press.
Author Kozima, H.
Co-authors Warner, J., Cano, C. S., Dash, J.
Title Consistent explanation of topography changes and nuclear transmutation in surface layers of cathodes in electrolytic cold fusion experiments.
Publisher The 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2007-05-25
Abstract Synopsis

Nuclear transmutations (NT?s) and exotic surface topography observed in the surface layers of
cathodes in electrolytic experiments by J. Dash et al. over the last ten years have been analyzed
using the TNCF model. Surface topographies of the cathodes showed characteristic fine structures
where the results of nuclear transmutation (NT) were detected. Nuclear transmutations, characterized
by their locality, are accompanied by excess heat generation, which suggests a nuclear origin. The
products of nuclear transmutation are explained either by decay of excited cathode element nuclei to
form an element of higher mass number than the original (nuclear transmutation by decay, or NTD) or
by fission of these nuclei (nuclear transmutation by fission, or NTF). The model was successfully
used to analyze two cases of quantitative changes of isotope ratios in Ti and Pd cathodes and the
surface topography change. . . .
Keywords theory, neutron, transmutation, ICCF-9, TNCF

DOWNLOAD 2006-07-03 2005 Fisher, J.C. Polyneutron Theory of Transmutation. in The 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2005. Yokohama, Japan.
Author Fisher, J. C.
Title Polyneutron Theory of Transmutation
Publisher The 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2006-07-03
Abstract Polyneutron theory postulates that large clusters of neutrons are bound and stable against strong
decay and that their interactions with ordinary nuclei are responsible for a new class of
low-temperature nuclear phenomena. It is postulated that these clusters, also termed polyneutrons or
neutron isotopes, grow to include hundreds of neutrons in chain reactions fueled by isotopes such as
2H, 18O, and 7Li.
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2006-04-28 2005 Kim, Y.E. and A. Zubarev. Unifying Theory Of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction And Transmutation Processes In Deuterated/Hydrogenated Metals, Acoustic Cavitations, And Deuteron Beam Experiments. in The 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2005. Yokohama, Japan.
Author Kim, Y. E.
Co-authors Zubarev, A.
Title Unifying Theory Of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction And Transmutation Processes In Deuterated/Hydrogenated Metals, Acoustic Cavitations, And Deuteron Beam Experiments
Publisher The 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2006-04-28
Abstract The most basic theoretical challenge for understanding low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) and
transmutation reaction (LETR) in condensed matters is to find mechanisms by which the large Coulomb
barrier between fusing nuclei can be overcome.? A unifying theory of LENR and LETR has been
developed to provide possible mechanisms for the LENR and LETR processes in matters based on
high-density nano-scale and micro-scale quantum plasmas.? It is shown that recently developed
theoretical models based on Bose-Einstein Fusion (BEF) mechanism and Quantum Plasma Nuclear Fusion
(QPNF) mechanism are applicable to the results of many different types of LENR and LETR experiments
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2005-07-11 2004 Iwamura, Y. Observation of Nuclear Transmutation Reactions induced by D2 Gas Permeation through Pd Complexes (PowerPoint slides). in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. Marseille, France.
Author Iwamura, Y.
Title Observation of Nuclear Transmutation Reactions induced by D2 Gas Permeation through Pd Complexes (PowerPoint slides)
Publisher Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2005-07-11
Abstract We have been studying low energy nuclear transmutations induced by D2 gas permeation
through Pd complexes (Pd/CaO/Pd). We presented experimental results at ICCF9 and
ICCF101-3. In this paper, we report recent progress. Transmutations of Ba into Sm were
observed in two cases: with natural Ba on Pd complex samples (a definite result), and with mass
137-enriched Ba (probable). In these experiments, the atomic mass increase was 12 and atomic number
increase was 6. One of our experimental apparatuses was carried to SPring-8, which is the world?s
largest synchrotron radiation facility, located at Hyogo prefecture in Japan. Pr was confirmed
several times by XRF at SPring-8. Some experiments were done to explore physical structure of the
CaO layer. According to a D+ ion beam bombardment experiment performed at Tohoku University, the
deuterium density of our Pd complex is one order larger than normal Pd. When we replaced CaO with
MgO, we did not obtain any positive results. These results shed light on the role of the CaO layer
in the Pd complex.
Keywords Review

DOWNLOAD 2005-05-13 2004 Chubb, T.A. II. Inhibited Diffusion Driven Surface Transmutations. in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. Marseille, France.
Author Chubb, T. A.
Title II. Inhibited Diffusion Driven Surface Transmutations
Publisher Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2005-05-13
?? This paper is the second of a set of 3 papers dealing with the role of coherent? partitioning as
a common element in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), by which is meant cold-fusion related
processes.? This paper discusses the first step in a sequence of 4 steps that seem to be necessary
to explain Iwamura 2-alpha-addition surface transmutations.?? Three concepts are examined:?
salt-metal interface states, sequential tunneling that transitions D+ ions from localized
interstitial to Bloch form, and the general applicability of 2-dimensional vs. 3-dimensional
symmetry hosting networks.?
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2005-05-13 2004 Chubb, T.A. III. Bloch Nuclides, Iwamura Transmutations, and Oriani Showers. in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. Marseille, France.
Author Chubb, T. A.
Title III. Bloch Nuclides, Iwamura Transmutations, and Oriani Showers
Publisher Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2005-05-13
?? The Iwamura et al. 2-alpha addition transmutations1 and the Oriani-Fisher energetic particle
showers2 demand an explanation.? They both depend on the same physics as responsible for cold
fusion, namely the coherent partitioning of deuteron charge when the deuteron assumes a Bloch-like
form and becomes distributed among a large number Nwell of potential wells.? As a result the work
required to bring the 2 "nuclei" into contact is reduced by 1/Nwell.? In cold fusion 2
spin-zero paired deuterons fuse as per 2 D+Bloch --> 4He++Bloch
+ 23.8 MeV.?? In the Iwamura process 2 4He++Bloch fuse as per 2
4He++Bloch --> 8Be4+Bloch +
Enuc, in a Bloch-sensitive reaction where reaction energy Enuc is a function
of Nwell. . . .
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2005-05-05 2004 Kim, Y.E. and A. Zubarev. Mixtures of Charged Bosons Confined in Harmonic Traps and Bose-Einstein Condensation Mechanism for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Transmutation Processes in Condensed Matter. in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. Marseille, France.
Author Kim, Y. E.
Co-authors Zubarev, A.
Title Mixtures of Charged Bosons Confined in Harmonic Traps and Bose-Einstein Condensation Mechanism for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Transmutation Processes in Condensed Matter
Publisher Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2005-05-05
Abstract Abstract
A mixture of two different species of positively charged bosons in harmonic traps is
considered in the mean-field approximation.? It is shown that depending on the ratio of parameters,
the two components may coexist in same regions of space, in spite of the Coulomb repulsion between
the two species.? Application of this result is discussed for the generalization of the
Bose-Einstein condensation mechanism for low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) and transmutation
processes in condensed matters.? For the case of deutron-lithium (d+Li) LENR, the result indicates
that? reactions may dominate over (d+d) reactions in LENR experiments.
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2005-05-05 2004 Kim, Y.E., et al. Proposal for New Experimental Tests of the Bose-Einstein Condensation Mechanism for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction and Transmutation Processes in Deuterium Loaded Micro- and Nano-Scale Cavities. in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. Marseille, France.
Author Kim, Y. E.
Co-authors Koltick, D., Reifenberger, R., Zubarev, A.
Title Proposal for New Experimental Tests of the Bose-Einstein Condensation Mechanism for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction and Transmutation Processes in Deuterium Loaded Micro- and Nano-Scale Cavities
Publisher Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2005-05-05
Abstract Abstract
???? ?????? Most of experimental results of low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) reported so far
cannot be reproduced on demand.? There have been persistent experimental results indicating that the
LENR and transmutation processes in condensed matters (LENRTPCM) are surface phenomena rather than
bulk phenomena.? Recently proposed Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) mechanism may provide a suitable
theoretical description of the surface phenomena.
??????????? New experiments are proposed and described for testing the BEC mechanism for LENR and
transmutation processses in micro-scale and nano-scale traps. (1) We propose the use of micro- or
nano-porous conducting materials as a cathode in electrolysis experiments with heavy water with or
without Li in order to stabilize the active surface spots and to enhance the effect for the purpose
of improving the reproducibility of excess heat generation and nuclear emission.? (2) We propose new
experiemental tests of the BEC mechanism by measuring the presssure and temperaure dependence of
LENR events using deuterium gas and these deuterated metals with? or without Li.
????? If the LENRTPCM are surface phenomena, the proposed use of micro/nano scale porous materials
is expected to enhance and scale up the LENRTPCM effects by many order of magnitude, and thus may
lead to better reproductivity and theoretical understanding of the phenomena.
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2004-12-22 2004 Cirillo, D. and V. Iorio, Transmutation of metal to low energy in confined plasma in the water electrochemical plasma cell. 2004.
Author Cirillo, D.
Co-authors Iorio, V.
Title Transmutation of metal to low energy in confined plasma in the water electrochemical plasma cell
Date Uploaded 2004-12-22
Abstract Abstract:
Energetic emissions have been observed from an electrolytic cell when tungsten electrodes are used
to generate a confined plasma close to the cathode immersed an alkaline solution. In addition,
energy generation has been observed, always close to the cathode, along with the appearance of new
chemical elements in the experimental apparatus. These elements were not present in the cell before
the experiment. This observation is proof of nuclear transmutations occurring within the cell. The
results of this research and a theoretical model of the phenomenon were shown for the first time on
April 18, 2004 during the second Grottammare (Ap) ONNE meeting in Italy.
Keywords Glow diacharge, transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2004-12-03 2004 Iwamura, Y. Observation of Nuclear Transmutation Reactions induced by D2 Gas Permeation through Pd Complexes. in Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. Marseille, France.
Author Iwamura, Y.
Title Observation of Nuclear Transmutation Reactions induced by D2 Gas Permeation through Pd Complexes
Publisher Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2004-12-03
Abstract Transmutations of Ba into Sm were observed both when? natural Ba was applied to the Pd? complex
samples, and when mass 137-enriched Ba (monoisotopic Ba) was applied. The mass? distribution of Sm
that we obtained depended on the starting isotopic distribution of Ba.
One of our experimental apparatus was carried to SPring-8 for the purpose of in-situ
measurement, and we obtained a Pr signal using the X-ray Fluorescence method.
According to a D+ ion beam bombardment experiment performed at Tohoku University, the
deuterium density of our Pd complex is one order of magnitude larger than normal Pd.
Keywords Review

DOWNLOAD 2004-02-17 2003 Chubb, T.A. The dd Cold Fusion-Transmutation Connection. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Chubb, T. A.
Title The dd Cold Fusion-Transmutation Connection
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2004-02-17
Abstract Abstract
LENR theory must explain dd fusion, alpha-addition transmutations, radiationless nuclear
reactions, and 3-body nuclear particle reactions.?? Reaction without radiation requires many-body
D+Bloch periodicity in both location and internal structure dependencies.?
Electron scattering leads to mixed quantum states. . . .
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2004-02-17 2002 Goryachev, I.V. and Y. Bazhutov. Organization, current status and main results of Russian research in cold fusion and transmutation of chemical elements. in The 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2002. Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China: Tsinghua Univ. Press.
Author Goryachev, I. V.
Co-authors Bazhutov, Y.
Title Organization, current status and main results of Russian research in cold fusion and transmutation of chemical elements.
Publisher The 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Date Uploaded 2004-02-17
Abstract We can not help remembering that in the Soviet Union investigations of a number of abnormal
phenomena which later were related to the problem of Cold Nuclear Fusion were carried out long
before Fleischmann and Pons announced their experiments at the American University of Utah.
At present these kind of research works are widely carried on in Russia despite the absence of
any state support and while part of the official scientific community remains skeptical.
In total there are more than 30 groups of scientists engaged in research in this field in
Russia . . .
Keywords ICCF-9, review

DOWNLOAD 2004-01-19 2003 Bockris, J. The History Of The Discovery Of Transmutation At Texas A&M University. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Bockris, J.
Title The History Of The Discovery Of Transmutation At Texas A&M University
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2004-01-19
Abstract Until 1989 I had been a publisher of high temperature physical chemistry, electrochemical and
environmental research papers.? ?I was a physical chemist and my contact with nuclear chemistry was
only in using it in some tracer techniques.
The Fleischmann and Pons announcement of March 1989 was of interest partly because of its radical
nature, but also because I had known Martin Fleischmann since his days as a student at the Imperial
College of Science and Technology in London.
I had easy access to Fleischmann and I therefore could instruct my co-workers (about 20 at the time)
about the technique used in the Fleischmann and Pons work.
Keywords transmutation, history

DOWNLOAD 2003-12-02 2003 Del Giudice, E. and A. De Ninno. Are Nuclear Transmutations Observed At Low Energies Consequences Of Qed Coherence? in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Del Giudice, E.
Co-authors De Ninno, A.
Title Are Nuclear Transmutations Observed At Low Energies Consequences Of Qed Coherence?
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-12-02
Abstract Nuclear transmutations have been reported to occur in matrices subjected to either electrochemical
or gas loading at room temperature. To overcome the difficulties of the large Coulomb repulsion
among nuclei a γ-ray electromagnetic field appears? as a suitable agent. It is discussed
whether this e.m. excitation could emerge from cold fusion processes and induce nuclear reactions
through the giant resonance coupling of this e.m. field with the closed shells present in the nuclei
of the matrix.
Keywords theory

DOWNLOAD 2003-11-11 2003 Iwamura, Y., et al. Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation In Condensed Matter Induced By D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes: Correlation Between Deuterium Flux And Nuclear Products. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Iwamura, Y.
Co-authors Itoh, T., Sakano, M., Sakai, S., Kuribayashi, S.
Title Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation In Condensed Matter Induced By D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes: Correlation Between Deuterium Flux And Nuclear Products
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-11-11
Abstract Observations of low energy nuclear reactions induced by D2 gas permeation through Pd
complexes (Pd/CaO/Pd) were presented at ICCF-9 and in a paper published in the Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP). When Cs was added on the surface of a Pd complex, Pr emerged on
the surface while Cs decreased after the Pd complex was subjected to D2 gas permeation.
When Sr was added to the surface, Mo emerged while the Sr decreased after D2 gas
permeation. The isotopic composition of the detected Mo was different from the natural abundance.
In this paper, recent progress of our research is described. The detected Pr was confirmed by
various methods such as TOF-SIMS, XANES, X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and ICP-MS. Analysis of the
depth profile of Pr indicated that a very thin surface region up to 100 angstroms was the active
transmutation zone. Many experimental results showed that the quantity of Pr was proportional to the
deuterium flux through Pd complex. The cross section of transmutation of Cs into Pr can be roughly
estimated at 1 barn if we consider the deuterium flux as an ultra low energy deuteron beam.
Keywords gas loading, transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2003-11-03 2003 Miley, G.H. and P. Shrestha. Review Of Transmutation Reactions In Solids. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Miley, G. H.
Co-authors Shrestha, P.
Title Review Of Transmutation Reactions In Solids
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-11-03
Abstract Transmutation reactions in highly loaded hydrides have been reported by a number of research groups.
These studies are briefly summarized with emphasis on common systematics and key "signatures".
Transmutations divide into two types: heavy intermediate compound nucleus reactions yielding an
array of products with a large spectrum of masses; direct reactions between H/D and the electrode
metal or impurity atoms yielding isolated "single" products. Various mechanisms have been proposed
to explain the products and the ability to overcome the extremely large Columbic repulsion of the
high-Z elements involved.? Here we briefly consider a model involving orbital mixing and virtual
neutron formation associated with charge accumulation and hydrogen/deuteron flow at highly loaded
Keywords transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2003-10-06 2003 Afonichev, D. Ascending Diffusion Or Transmutation. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Afonichev, D.
Title Ascending Diffusion Or Transmutation
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-10-06
Abstract In any field of investigations new ideas in combination with newly developed equipment can provide
advance results. In view of arising interest to cold nuclear fusion (CNF) [1] and searches for
consequences of its occurrence the study of the interaction of hydrogen with metals has coincided
with the wide spread of the micro-probe X-ray spectrum analysis. This analysis is performed during
measurements of alloying element concentration [1] with resolution of about 1x1 ?m2.
Keywords transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2003-10-06 2003 Vysotskii, V., et al. Successful Experiments On Utilization Of High-Activity Waste In The Process Of Transmutation In Growing Associations Of Microbiological Cultures. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Vysotskii, V.
Co-authors Shevel, V., Tashirev, A., Kornilova, A. A.
Title Successful Experiments On Utilization Of High-Activity Waste In The Process Of Transmutation In Growing Associations Of Microbiological Cultures
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-10-06
Abstract The problem of utilization of high-activity waste by effect of nuclear transmutation in growing
associations of microbiological cultures was study. For the first time we have observed utilization
of several kinds of highly active isotopes in the volume of distilled water extracted from first
contour of water-water atomic reactor to nonradioactive nuclei.
Keywords transmutation, biological, nuclear waste remediation

DOWNLOAD 2003-10-02 2003 Higashiyama, Y., et al. Replication of MHI transmutation experiment by D2 gas permeation through Pd complex. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Higashiyama, Y.
Co-authors Sakano, M., Miyamaru, H., Takahashi, A.
Title Replication of MHI transmutation experiment by D2 gas permeation through Pd complex
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-10-02
Abstract Unusual nuclear transmutation reactions have been reported by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI). In
their experiment, D2 gas permeates through a Pd complexes, which consists of a thin Pd
layer, alternating CaO and Pd layers and bulk Pd. When they used sample Pd complexes with additional
Cs on the surface, Pr emerged on the surface while Cs decreased after the sample was subjected to
D2 gas permeation at 343 K and 1 atm for about one week. The elemental analysis was
performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). This phenomenon was reproduced qualitatively in
the present replication experiment.
We performed D-permeation experiments similar to the MHI?s experiment three times, and we
confirmed the production of Pr. Pd complex samples were provided to us by MHI. The surface was
electrolytically cleaned to remove hydrocarbons before depositing Cs. D2 gas was
permeated through the Pd complexes at 343 K and 1 atm for about 5 days. Inductively Coupled Plasma
Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was performed to analyze the existence of the elements (Cs and Pr) and
the mass distribution. The results showed the existence of Pr. And we also confirmed the existence
of Pr by using fast Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) in Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) of Japan
Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI).
As a result, we confirmed that the nuclear transmutation reaction, from 133Cs to
141Pr, was occurred. This transmutation suggests that the mass numbers and atomic numbers
increase 8 and 4, respectively. The model of multi-body resonance fusion of deuterons proposed by A.
Takahashi2 can explain this mass-8-and-charge-4 increased transmutation.
Keywords transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2003-09-30 2003 Ohta, M. and A. Takahashi. Analysis of Nuclear Transmutation Induced from Metal Plus Multibody-Fusion-Products Reaction. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Ohta, M.
Co-authors Takahashi, A.
Title Analysis of Nuclear Transmutation Induced from Metal Plus Multibody-Fusion-Products Reaction
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-09-30
Abstract Nuclear transmutation is analyzed by the selective channel scission model. The fission product
yields for Pd plus a or 8Be reactions are calculated as secondary reactions of the multi-body
fusion. And an anomalous isotopic ratio of Fe, which is reported by many researchers, is also
analyzed and the analytical result shows good consistency with experimental results.
Keywords Theory, multibody

DOWNLOAD 2003-09-16 2003 Takahashi, A. Theoretical Background for Transmutation Reactions (PowerPoint slides). in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Takahashi, A.
Title Theoretical Background for Transmutation Reactions (PowerPoint slides)
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-09-16
Abstract Presented during Short Course on Cold Fusion, ICCF-10.
Keywords Theory, multibody

DOWNLOAD 2003-09-12 2003 Ohta, M. and A. Takahashi. Analysis Of Nuclear Transmutation Induced From Metal Plus Multibody-Fusion-Products, Reaction (PowerPoint slides). in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA:
Author Ohta, M.
Co-authors Takahashi, A.
Title Analysis Of Nuclear Transmutation Induced From Metal Plus Multibody-Fusion-Products, Reaction (PowerPoint slides)
Publisher Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-09-12
Abstract ICCF-10 PowerPoint presentation.
Keywords Theory, multibody

DOWNLOAD 2003-09-11 2002 Iwamura, Y., T. Itoh, and M. Sakano, Nuclide Transmutation Device and Nuclide Transmutation Method. 2002, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.: U.S.A.
Author Iwamura, Y.
Co-authors Itoh, T., Sakano, M.
Title Nuclide Transmutation Device and Nuclide Transmutation Method
Date Uploaded 2003-09-11
Abstract PATENT
ABSTRACT: The present invention produces nuclide transmutation using a relatively small-scale
device. The device 10 that produces nuclide transmutation comprises a structure body 11 that is
substantially plate shaped and made of palladium (Pd) or palladium alloy, or another metal that
absorbs hydrogen (for example, Ti) or an alloy thereof, and a material 14 that undergoes nuclide
transmutation laminated on one surface 11A among the two surfaces of this structure body 11. The one
surface 11A side of the structure body 11, for example, is made a region in which the pressure of
the deuterium is high due to pressure or electrolysis and the like, and the other surface 11B side,
for example, is a region in which the pressure of the deuterium is low due to vacuum exhausting and
the like, and thereby, a flow of deuterium in the structure body 11 is produced, and nuclide
transmutation is carried out by a reaction between the deuterium and the material 14 that undergoes
nuclide transmutation.
Keywords transmutation, Pd, Iwamura effect

DOWNLOAD 2003-04-03 1996 Miley, G.H. and J.A. Patterson, Nuclear transmutations in thin-film nickel coatings undergoing electrolysis. J. New Energy, 1996. 1(3): p. 5.
Author Miley, G. H.
Co-authors Patterson, J. A.
Title Nuclear transmutations in thin-film nickel coatings undergoing electrolysis
Publisher J. New Energy
Date Uploaded 2003-04-03
Experiments using 1-mm plastic and glass microspheres coated with single and multilayers of
thin films of various metals such as palladium and nickel, used in a packed-bed electrolytic cell
(Patterson Power Cell ? configuration), have apparently produced a variety of nuclear reaction
products. The analysis of a run with 650-? film of Ni is presented here. Following a two-week
electrolytic run, the Ni film was found to contain Fe, Ag, Cu, Mg, and Cr, in concentrations
exceeding 2 atom % each, plus a number of additional trace elements. These elements were at the
most, only present in the initial film and the electrolyte plus other accessible cell components in
much smaller amounts. That fact, combined with other data, such as deviations from natural isotope
abundances, seemingly eliminates the alternate explanation of impurities concentrating in the film.
Keywords transmutation, Ni, H2O, electrolysis

DOWNLOAD 2003-02-27 1995 Mallove, E., Alchemy Nightmare: Skeptic Finds Heavy Element Transmutation Cold Fusion Experiment! Infinite Energy, 1995. 1(2): p. 30.
Author Mallove, E.
Title Alchemy Nightmare: Skeptic Finds Heavy Element Transmutation Cold Fusion Experiment!
Publisher Infinite Energy
Date Uploaded 2003-02-27
Abstract At ICCF5 in April, EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) cold fusion program direc?tor Dr. Tom
Passell gave an overview of the cold fusion field. The biggest news from his talk, however, was the
first public revelation of the results of the EPRI-funded work of physi?cist Dr. Kevin Wolf at Texas
A&M University. This research occurred back in 1992, but oth?ers?including Dr. Wolf?have since
tried to keep these results from surfacing. Why?
Keywords transmutation

DOWNLOAD 2003-01-24 2000 Castellano, et al. Nuclear Transmutation in Deutered Pd Films Irradiated by an UV Laser. in 8th International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2000. Lerici (La Spezia), Italy: Italian Physical Society, Bologna, Italy.
Author Castellano
Co-authors Di Giulio, M., Dinescu, M., Nassisi, V., Conte, A., Pompa, P. P.
Title Nuclear Transmutation in Deutered Pd Films Irradiated by an UV Laser
Publisher 8th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2003-01-24
Nuclear transmutation results in palladium films loaded with deuterium gas and processed by an
excimer laser are reported. Vacuum evaporation was utilised to obtain palladium films on Si wafers.
The films were inserted in chambers with deuterium gas at a variable pressure up to 5 bar. During
the UV laser processing the maximum irradiating energy density was lower than 50 mJ/cm in order to
avoid the ablation of the palladium films. The samples were analysed by a scanning electron
microscope and an electron probe microanalyzer. After the experiments, we found that the Pd films
was modified. They presented many cracks and bubbles with very sharp edges. In the bubbles the
transmutation of elements was observed.
Keywords laser, Pd, layer, D2, transmutation, ICCF-8

DOWNLOAD 2002-08-09 1998 Mizuno, T., Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion. 1998, Concord, NH: Infinite Energy Press.
Author Mizuno, T.
Title Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion
Date Uploaded 2002-08-09
Abstract The announcement of cold fusion in March 1989 at the University of Utah was greeted with worldwide
hysteria. Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons had claimed that an electrochemical cell with
heavy water electrolyte and a palladium cathode put out so much excess energy that the mysterious
phenomenon had to be nuclear, and was probably a process related to nuclear fusion. Newspapers and
magazines said it might be a major scientific discovery with the potential to end the energy crisis
and revolutionize society. For a few heady weeks the public took it seriously and waited anxiously
for laboratories to replicate the results. Many scientists quickly took sides for or against cold
fusion ? mostly against. Then, by the end of the summer of 1989 the official word came, in an
authoritative report written by a select panel of experts under the auspices of the Department of
Energy: cold fusion was a bust. It did not exist. It was an experimental error. It could not be
reproduced. Nearly every scientific journal, magazine and newspaper on earth reported this, and cold
fusion abruptly dropped out of the headlines. The story, it seemed, was over. Actually, it had
barely begun. Only a few thousand electrochemists in the world were qualified to do the experiments,
and most of them were too busy or not interested in trying. In that autumn as public interest faded
and the U.S. Department of Energy pronounced a death sentence, a small number of experienced
scientists prepared serious, full-scale experiments. One of them was Tadahiko Mizuno, an assistant
professor who had been doing similar electrochemical experiments for more than twenty years.
Keywords transmutation history

DOWNLOAD 2002-08-07 2002 Warner, J., J. Dash, and S. Frantz. Electrolysis of D2O With Titanium Cathodes: Enhancement of Excess Heat and Further Evidence of Possible Transmutation. in The 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2002. Beijing, China: Tsinghua University: Tsinghua Univ. Press.

40 posted on 03/02/2012 9:01:25 PM PST by Kevmo (If you can define a man by the depravity of his enemies, Rick Santorum must be a noble soul indeed.)
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To: Kevmo

When I see the color microspectrograph picture of two elements stuck together frozen in transmutational state in NY Times, that could be proof in the pudding.

Otherwise it`s still hogwash. I was in nuclear laser fusion for 5 years and there is no nuclear without radiation. Gimme a break. Otherwise it would have been discovered centuries ago, replicated, duplicated and mass-produced by now, and we would be flying in LENR aircraft. It`s BS.

Anybody can write a paper and publish it. Look at the Univ in UK paper hoax on climate change data.

44 posted on 03/02/2012 9:20:38 PM PST by bunkerhill7 (LENR has no rems?? ? Who knew?)
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