Agree. Santorum is the best bet to beat Obama and regain the critical Reagan Democrats and bring those pivotal rust belt states back into the red-state column. Neither Romney or Gingrich could do this.
The latest USA-Gallup has Santorum only 2 points behind Obama and he has done so with a shoe-string budget. Had it not been for a split in the conservative vote (Gingrich’s 7% of the vote and zero delegates) , he would have pulled off a major upset in MI and all but ended Romney’s chances of capturing the nomination. It is time for all true conservatives to coalesce around Santorum or we have Romney. This is the true reality. After wining S.Carolina, Gingrich requested Santorum to withdraw. It’s time for him to take his own advice at this point in the campaign and withdraw.
I hardly call RUSH 3 hours a day, five days a week, puffing up Santorum qualifies as a shoestring budget. But carry on with the massaging of the facts.