You have captured the problem Psycho has very well, Linda.
He doesn't like that Christians discuss matters of faith at all, and when we do, he considers it being 'sanctimonious.' The anger he has toward the discussion of faith in the public square equals the anger the left has with the same. That's why it's so easy to see him as a leftist.
That's part of the problem many faithless people have with Rick, even though Rick hasn't anything but express his own personal faith, as have many, many other politicians before him......especially before the left began trying to shred the First Amendment rights of Christians.
And thanks for your educating the Psycho on what's actually in the Constitution, and what's NOT........that is, "the separation of Church and State."
Reagan knew that, even if Psycho doesn't.
Too many politicians stick their fingers in the wind and say whatever the focus groups dictate.
Ironic how Rick Santorum is such an "extremist" on issues like gay marriage. And yet that is the very same position taken by both Hillary and Barack in the 2008 democratic primary.
Yet, it was not a big issue for them.
I wonder why?
Me thinks it is because everyone understood that they were lying.
That is what I love most about Palin.
She is fearless .. and says what she believes.