Iran is going to take over the world.
The refineries need maintenance
The speculators are doing it
We're running out of oil
We have plenty
Americans are driving less, so we need to raise prices
The Chinese have millions of mopeds to fuel
There is a leak in a pipe in Moose Jaw Alaska
A rodent chewed through a line at the main pump station in Texas.
Demand is down but we are producing more however, our refineries have been and are being shut down
Prices will go to 6.75, but 3 days before the election, Obama will lower prices to 1.40 to ensure reelection
A school of endangered blowfish have been sucked into a pipe, and it takes time to get them out.
Iran has nukes
Unstable markets worldwide.
A big refinery fire
A small refinery fire
A refinery fire could possibly happen
New gas additives are being developed to make Americans even more stupid
They forgot to build a pipe
They dont like pipes
Rich liberals want the price even higher.
Obama hates the oil industry
The oil industry hates Obama and are hoping this kills his reelection
Liberals want everyone ridding donkeys and bicycles to work as a sacrifice for the planet
We moved more armaments to the gulf because Iran is taking over the world
Wild money printing and massive deficits
Americans love high gas prices
Refinery margins are tight They hardly make any money at all.
The masses have no idea how free market works.
It is being exported because we are making more than we use.
Demand has fallen
We need refinery upgrades and expansion
We are making more than we use so we have to sell it to the Chinese, (They have 1 billion mopeds to fuel , and need to go to work so they can send us more Communist products .
We have plenty of oil, so much so, we need to sell it abroad to keep prices low.
We have plenty of oil, so much so, we need to sell it abroad to keep prices high.
Barry has seriously pissed off the oil companies and seriously limited their profit and boy are they POd.