Brewer endorsed Romney..just d*mn.
I’m really sorry to read that.
I clicked over and read the article, and like everything that comes out of msnbc, it was deceptive. Its purpose was to demoralize and sow discord among conservatives, therefore; Gov. Brewer’s interview didn’t disappoint me that much.
How many votes is her lukewarm statement that because she thinks Romney has the best chance against Obama, she supports him, the day before the day before the voting takes place? Aren’t there a lot o mormons that are pretty actve in the Arizona republican party right now because they see a chance to get Romney the nomination?
And how is this for spin and deceptiveness: Ouote from the article: “Brewer said she expected Super Tuesday to largely end the battle for the nomination, even if Santorum were to continue fighting”. (article opinion, not Brewer quote)
Now, what Brewer actually said: He (Santorum) might be in it but I think itll be overwhelmingly decided after Super Tuesday, she said.
So, what did she say? What did she mean exactly?: That the Super Tuesday vote would decide and end the republican primary process? or that the nomination would be decided AFTER Super Tuesday?
Worst case scenario: we still have a generally conservative tough lady Governor out there in Arizona, on our side, even if she actually (mistakenly) thinks Romney has the best shot at unseating Obama.