Jan Brewer was Lt Gov under Janet Napolitano. Compared to Marxist Janet, Jan looked good. But she was considered squishy EXCEPT for gun control.
So, guns are here only really conservative trait. Other than that, she is a Romneyette.
“Compared to Marxist Janet, Jan looked good. But she was considered squishy EXCEPT for gun control.”
Exactly. Written like a conservative from Arizona...
In her defense, she also has opposed the gay lobby...although she would like a tax increase.
She’s squishy on gun control as well.
She signed correctly before the reelection, but reverted to form the instant her job was safely assured: She vetoed the next common sense gun law that crossed her desk. It was a law to allow carrying on public thoroughfares that run through college campuses. There are now streets in Tempe upon which I cannot legally drive.
She is a classic case of “Conservative only when politically necessary.” IOW, a pander-bear.