Maybe this author should provide questions to BOR for his next kiss ass interview he does with His Excellency. Seemingly, the guy who watches out for the little guy and who asks the tough question needs help with formulating tough questions such as these when in the aura of His Excellency.
To expect any of the headliner news people from any of the major Media to ask these questions would be the equal of expecting His Excellency to show up for such an event where he has not personally reviewed the questions and had the answers fed into TOTUS.
Simple question. You lied about everything you said you would do. Do you think lying is a trait the President of the United States should have?
Bill O’Reilley isn’t really that smart. I doubt he realizes we are talking about him when we write BOR.
Bill or any of you other Fox News Obama sycophants that might be reading FR to see what we are thinking, stop merging with the leftist media. Get the job done. Research, report, and let us decide.
It is what got you the big ratings, but you have been moving away from that, and we have been moving away from you.