There are Santorum supporters who hide behind that just to take shots at Newt. Are you kidding me? You posted this about Newt, then complain?
My concern is that right now the iron is hot to take out the worst one running in his birth state which knocks down the number one factor in most minds to Romney's support. Romney's running on being 'the electable one.' If he loses one of his major states - Utah, Michigan, Massachusetts, that argument goes out the window.
The previous threads with Michigan polls had a few individuals, who were Newt backers (wasn't you and the names there are clear to see in those threads), going all in ripping Santorum, spamming the threads. Then they put vanity posts up repeating some outright lies as well as media twists implying things that aren't the case. It was Romney level attacks.
That helps Romney, right at the chance to politically make him fight the rest of the way with a broken jaw.