GO NEWT! WOOT! WOOT! America needs the Speaker to turn this nation around and back on the right track. Newt is the man!
“Cain was vetted and attacked, Perry vetted and attacked, Bachmann vetted and attacked, Newt consistently smeared, attacked, vetted and bashed but SANTORUM is supposed to get a free pass on free republic? I think NOT!”
Well, sly Rick has been flying too long under the radar. Pointing out at his deeds as Congressman it certainly does not equate with “smearing”. It’s his time to pass the “smell” test, and in the last 48 ours, he gave the public so much fodder to chew on. The saddest part of Santorum declarations in the media, is to depaint the conservative voters as “religious nuts”. IMO, religion must be off limit in a presidential debate.
Once “Obamacare” and the executive orders issued from it repealed, all this “theological” blabbering will be over in a nick of time.
As Gingrich pointed out, one of the main reason to defeat Obama is the unconstitutionality of his acts as POTUS: the
NHD ukases against Catholic institutions, the nominations in “recess” of the Congress when there was no recess, the order of war acts in Libya without the Congress approval, the undermining of the Congress powers, the weakening of National Defense etc.
And what does Santorum do? Trying to solve the impossible problem of squaring the circle? We need serious candidates not preachers.