“As of today - I am not willing to die in an Obama wag the dog war.”
And I am not willing to follow Nevele Chamberlin the Second into self inflicted suicide. America does not need Israel to do the job we should have done in 1979. Then again perhaps we do. We didn’t used to be a nation cowards hoping the alligator ate us last.
Just a side note:
Some years back many called the Iraq war a ‘wag the dog’ scenario for Bush. The ‘official line was put out that Iraq ultimately had no WMDs.
So should I believe that (as in ‘Iran can’t do nukes’) or do I believe the many returned soldiers from unrelated platoons/divisions who told me “Sure they did. We found a ton of them they couldn’t get rid of fast enough”; along with the ex-CIA guy who recently told the media “Of course they did, we have the receipts.”
Wag whose dog?