His two mistakes?
1. Warning his betters that he was going to be uppity and run for sheriff
2. Having assets worth seizing.
At one time I thought that the purpose of the war on drugs was to get drugs off the street. I no longer believe that. From what I have observed, I now believe that the purpose of the war on drugs is to get the sheep used to the heavy hand of law enforcement and conditioned to having their Fourth and Fifth Amendent Constitutional Rights violated in a wholesale matter. The asset seizures? That is just a tax the cartels pay on the 99% of product that is allowed to get to market. The drugs?They keep the sheep pacified until the slaughter date.
What other three issues than the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, and man made global warming would make the sheep so eager to give up their God given rights, pay higher taxes, and surrender one's freedom to travel from point a to point b without being molested be a Governmental security agent under the guise of "being made feel secure"?