Rush has occasionally been a disappointment during this primary.
He wasted 3 weeks doing almost nothing but defending Cain against what he thought were left wing media attacks.
He went ballistic against the Bain criticism for some strange reason. Maybe he thought it was similar to the left attacking capitalists.
But it will be interesting to see what he says Monday after Santorum has allowed himself to be suckered into making over the top statements about sex, procreation and birth control. What a fool to get into that !!!
I think it will basically make him unelectable.
I hope Newt can get his mojo back.
Sex for procreation.
That’s true, but not all there is to it.
And not a whole lot of Americans want or can afford 7 or 19 kids. The Santorums have the 7, and a big deal is made of a family of 19 kids who endorsed him.
To get bogged down in that when as Rush well knows, this nation will not survive another Obama 4 years of radical left dictatorship...
It pains me.
After what happened with his Cain obsession and his all out defensive mode for Cain, and given my suspicion that he stealthily supports Santorum, I am not optimistic that he will get back on the real Rush track.
Would like to be proven wrong...